

This website is protected and licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Please, respect and read the license terms before copying, distributing, modifying or giving any use to the source code of this website.
Click in the link above to know more information about it.

Images & icons

Almost all the images have been created by JerosGamer89. Please contact at this email to further know more about each image licensing of use, distribution and modification. Do not assume anything and for the love of god, contact me.
Social media icons and other few icons around the page are distributed by Further information about the original authors and distribution on their website.
The playlist or "playing music" icon found at the Music page is made by Google, obtainable through Google Fonts.

Adobe Periodic Table project statement

This project is not affiliated in any way to Adobe Incorporated or any of its partners. This is a project freely done by me, in my free time, without any type of support or sponsorship. The font families “Adobe Clean” and “Minion Pro” are made and copyrighted by Adobe Inc. All rights belong to this company.

Icons of Adobe’s software has been obtained thanks to public sources on the Internet. They haven’t been modified or created manually, except the Periodic Table logotype which matches with the Adobe Substance Paint software, always respecting their brand design guidelines. Icons have been designed by internal staff of Adobe Inc., and all rights belong to them.

Shown multiple times in many files of the project, the Adobe software box (background image at the first page of the documentation) is a mock-up of the real 80s software boxes that were distributed in local stores. There was not any intention of copying, or imitating Adobe software boxes or any similar.

This project (the table, the desktop application and the cells; everything done by me which wasn't created by Adobe) is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, more information about this license by clicking here.